3 Way Sync

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3 Way Sync

Postby cageycruz on Wed Dec 29, 2010 7:35 pm

What's the best way to do a sync among 3 computers?

I have a laptop at home, a desktop at work, and a file server offsite. I'd like to set up Super Flexible File Synchronizer to sync the home laptop to the server at midnight. Then sync the server to the work desktop early in the morning Mon-Fri. At the end of the work day sync the work desktop to the server. Then finally sync the server to the home laptop.

I've tried setting this up but get the error saying something like "A database with a name mismatch already exists. Do you want ignore the mismatch or create a new one?" I'm not sure how to proceed to get it to do what I want.
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Re: 3 Way Sync

Postby superflexible on Thu Dec 30, 2010 1:55 pm


your setup is fine. The warning about the database can happen if you make a copy of a profile and change one of the paths, and the profile still wants to use the original database with the old base paths. So the best reply to this question is to let it create a new database.
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