"can't access right path, preparation not OK."

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"can't access right path, preparation not OK."

Postby semistultus on Thu Jul 01, 2010 6:51 am

Hi there,
I'm trying to sync my fileserver to an ftp-server but after a while (at the first step) syncing stops and in the log file i can read:

"can't access right path, preparation not OK."

Wich is weird because the synchronizer was able to create the folder where the sync-profile should copy it's files. I'm using version 4.91a

This is the complete log-file:

Log for profile drukwerk --> FTP, started at 13:31:10 on 01-07-2010

LEFT: /Volumes/drukwerk
RIGHT: ftp://ftp.servage.net/drukwerk

Copying Direction : Left To Right
Exact Mirror Mode is being used.
The profile is executed by the background scheduler.

Left Side Volume Name: drukwerk

Move Deleted Files Into Folder Setting is OFF.

Cannot access right path: ftp://ftp.servage.net/drukwerk
13:43:23 FTPClient.List: FTP Error (425 Unable to build data connection: Invalid argument

The synchronization was prepared but not carried out.
can't access right path, preparation not OK.

Short Results: can't access right path
Operation completed at 13:43:25 on 01-07-2010
Total duration: 00:12:14

Nothing to be done


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Thanx for your help.
Kind regards.
Posts: 1
Joined: Thu Jul 01, 2010 6:37 am

Re: "can't access right path, preparation not OK."

Postby superflexible on Thu Jul 01, 2010 4:13 pm

Apparently the FTP data transfer is not working. This usually occurs due to router problems either on the server or client side. You may have some luck by changing the Passive Mode setting on the Internet/FTP dialog.
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