delete from windows folder does not synchronize to webdav

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delete from windows folder does not synchronize to webdav

Postby khardwicke on Tue May 15, 2012 6:42 pm

I am using Confluence as a webdav server and SFFS as a client. I am struggling with the syntax to specify the "move to" folder for deletion. The scenario is:

webdav server on the left side: ... Home/Users

Windows file system on the right side


When I go to the "configure" button and the "Deleted Files" tab I see the message "For FTP, SSH, or WebDav servers, please specify absolute paths starting with a slash (/)". I don't know what "Absolute Path starting with a slash" means. I am currently trying something like this:


but it does not seem to be working. Any clues what "Absolute pats starting with a slash" means for WebDAV servers?

When I try:

I get the attached error - over and over again.

I got this working. The problem was I needed to take into account that the deletion takes into account the entire file structure and I guess the webdav server does not really support creating the deletion folders. Will experiment some more.
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