Currently a profile can be created to monitor for a new file, or it can be scheduled to run at certain times. I am wondering if there is any way to execute multiple profiles in succession based on a single schedule, or make running one profile dependent on if a previous one completed? There does not seem to be a way to do this. Is it possible such a feature can be added?
The problem I have is if I schedule a file to copy to an FTP location, I want to know that it completed before another profile runs that moves it to a backup location. Currently these are simply scheduled by time with no verification that one step completed before the other. Leaving files sent out to a 3rd party FTP server all dumped in the original directory is not a good solution because I am not trying to mirror anything but rather send indivudual files. They need to be in a different archive location after having been confirmed as sent. The only solution now seems to be to watch the alert emails for failed transfers and take manual intvervention every time.