Determining number of "threads" to buy

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Determining number of "threads" to buy

Postby jsivak on Mon Dec 10, 2012 12:27 pm

I'm trying to determine the number of threads that I need to purchase. Is there a way in the demo version to display the number of threads in use (or maximum number that were used)?

I see from the Syncovery_realtime_status_log that each Monitoring profile is using 1 thread.

I'm planning on using real-time monitoring to replicate changes from 1 master server to 8 - 12 systems. Each profile is setup to do 3 parallel file copies, so do I need to get a version of Syncovery with threads >= 36?
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Re: Determining number of "threads" to buy

Postby superflexible on Mon Dec 10, 2012 12:52 pm


the normal "Professional Edition" should be sufficient. The term "Threads" in the ordering system is not technically correct. Only the main profile threads are counted. Additional threads for parallel copying of files are not counted. So if you have 12 jobs, they can all run in parallel with the normal license. If you have more jobs, up to 12 will copy in parallel and the additional ones will wait until it's their turn. This can still work in real time unless all jobs are extremely busy.

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