ExtremeSync Remote Service on W2008 x64

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ExtremeSync Remote Service on W2008 x64

Postby gloup on Fri Dec 10, 2010 9:45 am


First excuse my bad English.
We purchased a license for Super Flexible File Synchronizer. This is an excellent product. We now want to use it to make a backup via FTP (left side: ftp://ourserver.com/ and right side: Local Machine with Super Flexible installed).
The Remote Service alone has been installed on our server (Windows 2008 x64) to list the files under the wwwroot directory on our server. When I execute the job, I have in the window "Progress Building File List" a message "transfer aborted" then "Building file list" (without the Remote Service of course and it's very slow).
We tested the same with a server Windows 2003 32 bit at left side and all work fine.

Is there a problem with Windows 2008 or 64-bit and the Remote Service?

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Re: ExtremeSync Remote Service on W2008 x64

Postby superflexible on Fri Dec 10, 2010 10:11 am


it should work fine. It sounds more like an FTP problem. Maybe you can look in that direction. If you need further assistance, you could send a log file with the error message to support@superflexible.com. It's also possible to look at Internet Protocol log files which you can activate on the Logs tab sheet of the Program Settings dialog.
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Re: ExtremeSync Remote Service on W2008 x64

Postby gloup on Mon Dec 13, 2010 3:31 am

You are right. I looked in the log file and I found this: "FTP Exception (5): 550 ETGFTPProtocolReplyError User does not have upload permission".
I fixed the rights of the FTP account and everything is ok now.
Thank you very much.
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