Feature Request: Zip to RAM

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Feature Request: Zip to RAM

Postby ksarnelli on Sat Jun 10, 2017 6:42 pm

I love Syncovery but when backing up to a Cloud service with zip compression enabled it puts a huge stress on my temp drive (especially with multiple files at once). I have lots of RAM and 99% of the files I backup could easily be zipped in memory. I was wondering if this could somehow be incorporated into Syncovery. Here are some possible implementations:

1 - Allow multiple Temp paths, for example:
- For files smaller than N bytes use this temp path: XXX (for me this would be a RAM disk)
- For files larger use this temp path: XXX (for me this would be a hard drive)
This would allow users to manually set up RAM disks and seems like a pretty easy implementation for Syncovery.

2 - Allow Syncovery to zip directly to RAM for files under a certain size. This is obviously more work to implement but would make it easier for the user since they would not have to set up a RAM disk.

If you could implement either of these solutions (or another implementation that would give the same end result) it would be great. Backups would be sped up and our hard drives would be under way less stress. Thanks!
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Re: Feature Request: Zip to RAM

Postby superflexible on Mon Jun 12, 2017 2:52 am

Pretty good idea, I will check if my zip library supports it.
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Re: Feature Request: Zip to RAM

Postby superflexible on Mon Aug 21, 2017 4:36 am

version 8 can now avoid temporary files. But you need to use the new .sz file format, rather than .zip.

Here's more details:
- direct compression and AES encryption to cloud storage with the new .sz file format. No temporary files, no disk space needed. The .sz format is an optional alternative to the existing .zip format. The .sz format features optional ultrafast compression, or extra strong compression, and huge AES encryption speeds.

– AES encryption speed with zip files also much improved.
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