File Deletion Problem with Real Time Sync

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File Deletion Problem with Real Time Sync

Postby almond1 on Sun Jan 16, 2011 10:37 am


I have 2 identical computers set-up with bi-directional sync using smart-tracking and real time sync and also setup to do a scheduled scan every 30 mins. I have 3 profiles set-up, one to sync the documents folder, one for the pictures folder, and one for the desktop folder. When I delete a file from the desktop folder on the left, instead of being deleted from the right, it just re-copies the file back from the right and puts it back where it was. If I delete a file from the right, nothing at all happens (the file remains on the left, but doesn't get re-copied back to the right.) Mysteriously, when using my other 2 profiles, file deletion works fine when deleting the file from the left, but does not work when deleting a file from the right.

I've read the other threads similar to this so I think I have all the right boxes checked in the options. Under the real time sync dialog I have deletions turned on with a 0 safety delay. Under the safety>unattended tab I have the first 4 checked and the last one unchecked. Also I have it set to move the deleted files to a folder.

Thanks in advance for the help, I absolutely love the program! :D
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Re: File Deletion Problem with Real Time Sync

Postby superflexible on Sun Jan 16, 2011 11:37 am


could you send your INI file as well as log files to Only if the INI file doesn't contain any passwords. Also concerning the log files it would be good to document one action and then note which log files are created immediately following the action.
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Re: File Deletion Problem with Real Time Sync

Postby almond1 on Mon Jan 17, 2011 2:51 pm

Files sent! let me know if you find anything out.

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