I'm trying to use Syncovery to connect to a website via FTP (with TLS). However, whatever security settings I choose, the connection fails. Any ideas or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
I can confirm that the connection works correctly from FileZilla, so I would expect Syncovery to be able to connect too. Please see some logs below. I've hidden IP addresses for privacy.
Here are my settings in Syncovery (I'm using "SSL v2/3" in Log 2 below, and "TLS v1-1.2" in Log 3 below):

Here are my settings in FileZilla (which do work as shown in Log 1 below):

Log 1. FileZilla connection with explicit FTP over TLS:
- Code: Select all
Status: Connecting to xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:21...
Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message...
Status: Initializing TLS...
Status: Verifying certificate...
Status: TLS connection established.
Status: Logged in
Status: Retrieving directory listing...
Status: Directory listing of "/" successful
Log 2. Syncovery connection with "Explicit TLS", "SSL v2/3" and "Auth Cmd" = "Auto":
Any idea what "Socket Error 54" means?
- Code: Select all
Syncovery v7.83, build 490 (32-bit)
Licensed to: ...
Running on : studio.domain.com
Log for profile Sync Test, started at 01:45:43 PM on 3/28/17
LEFT: ftp://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/public_html/assets
RIGHT: /Volumes/File Storage Drobo/File Storage Drobo/Web/Sites/Sync Test/support/backups/Syncovery
The profile is executed in unattended mode.
Previous run was at 3/28/17 01:45:21 PM: Failed, try a manual run.
Right Side Volume Name: File Storage Drobo
Checking if permissions are enabled: /usr/sbin/vsdbutil -c "/Volumes/File Storage Drobo"
Permissions on '/Volumes/File Storage Drobo' are disabled.
3/28/17 01:45:44 PM Detecting Timezone
3/28/17 01:45:45 PM IP Exception (5): ETGFTPError 01:45:45 PM StoreFile: Socket Error 54 @ 00ACCC93
3/28/17 01:45:45 PM Disconnecting from server
3/28/17 01:45:45 PM Reconnecting to server
Error deleting timezone check file sffs.tz.check.studio.domain.com.5554630801.$$$: 01:45:46 PM DeleteFile(sffs.tz.check.studio.domain.com.5554630801.$$$): FTP Error (550 Could not delete sffs.tz.check.studio.domain.com.5554630801.$$$: No such file or directory
3/28/17 01:45:46 PM Timezone detected: listing offset 0, timestamp setting offset 0
Copying Direction : Left To Right
Exact Mirror Mode is being used.
3/28/17 01:45:46 PM FindFirst Exception 01:45:46 PM FTPClient.List: Socket Error 54Data Socket Error 54 (ETGFTPError)
3/28/17 01:45:46 PM Disconnecting from server
3/28/17 01:45:46 PM Reconnecting to server
3/28/17 01:45:47 PM FindFirst Exception (B) 01:45:47 PM FTPClient.List: Socket Error 54Data Socket Error 54 (ETGFTPError)
3/28/17 01:45:49 PM Disconnecting from server
3/28/17 01:45:49 PM Reconnecting to server
3/28/17 01:45:51 PM FindFirst Exception 01:45:51 PM FTPClient.List: Socket Error 54Data Socket Error 54 (ETGFTPError)
3/28/17 01:45:51 PM Disconnecting from server
3/28/17 01:45:51 PM Reconnecting to server
3/28/17 01:45:52 PM FindFirst Exception (B) 01:45:52 PM FTPClient.List: Socket Error 54Data Socket Error 54 (ETGFTPError)
3/28/17 01:45:52 PM Disconnecting from server
3/28/17 01:45:52 PM Reconnecting to server
Information: synsock.Select took 60.00 seconds (max=60).
Information: synsock.Select took 60.00 seconds (max=60).
Information: synsock.Select took 60.00 seconds (max=60).
3/28/17 01:48:53 PM FindFirst Exception 01:48:53 PM FTPClient.List: Socket Error 60 (ETGFTPError)
3/28/17 01:48:53 PM Disconnecting from server
3/28/17 01:48:53 PM Reconnecting to server
3/28/17 01:48:55 PM FindFirst Exception (B) 01:48:55 PM FTPClient.List: Socket Error 54Data Socket Error 54 (ETGFTPError)
3/28/17 01:48:57 PM Disconnecting from server
3/28/17 01:48:57 PM Reconnecting to server
3/28/17 01:48:58 PM FindFirst Exception 01:48:58 PM FTPClient.List: Socket Error 54Data Socket Error 54 (ETGFTPError)
3/28/17 01:48:58 PM Disconnecting from server
3/28/17 01:48:58 PM Reconnecting to server
3/28/17 01:48:59 PM FindFirst Exception (B) 01:48:59 PM FTPClient.List: Socket Error 54Data Socket Error 54 (ETGFTPError)
3/28/17 01:48:59 PM Disconnecting from server
3/28/17 01:48:59 PM Reconnecting to server
Error accessing folder ftp://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/public_html/assets: 01:48:59 PM FTPClient.List: Socket Error 54Data Socket Error 54
01:48:59 PM FTPClient.List: Socket Error 54Data Socket Error 54
Stopped due to "Failed" (1)
Job preparation and/or building the filelist failed.
The synchronization was prepared but not carried out.
Root Dirs Read, preparation not OK.
Operation Canceled
Short Results: Error accessing folder ftp://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/public_html/assets: 01:48:59 PM FTPClient.List: Socket Error 54Data Socket Error 54
Operation completed at 01:49:12 PM on 3/28/17
Total duration: 00:03:28
Profile Settings From /Users/wwadmin/Library/Preferences/Syncovery.cfg
Name=Sync Test
LastModified=3/28/17 01:45:41 PM
RightPath=/Volumes/File Storage Drobo/File Storage Drobo/Web/Sites/Sync Test/support/backups/Syncovery
[Exact Mirror Config]
OrigTimeOfDay=07:00:00 PM
[Schedule->Weekdays and Time Window]
Email Notification Settings:
Email Notification is OFF.
Log 3. Syncovery connection with "Explicit TLS", "TLS v1-1.2" and "Auth Cmd" = "TLS":
This log states "234 AUTH TLS OK", but "Socket Error -2"
- Code: Select all
Syncovery v7.83, build 490 (32-bit)
Licensed to: ...
Running on : studio.domain.com
Log for profile Sync Test, started at 03:32:17 PM on 3/29/17
LEFT: ftp://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/public_html/assets
RIGHT: /Volumes/File Storage Drobo/File Storage Drobo/Web/Sites/Sync Test/support/backups/Syncovery
The profile is executed in unattended mode.
Previous run was at 3/29/17 03:18:40 PM: Failed, try a manual run.
Right Side Volume Name: File Storage Drobo
Checking if permissions are enabled: /usr/sbin/vsdbutil -c "/Volumes/File Storage Drobo"
Permissions on '/Volumes/File Storage Drobo' are disabled.
SSL Connection error 0 in SSLDoConnect, returning WSASYSNOTREADY.
Synapse exception 03:32:18 PM FTPClient.Login: FTP Error (234 AUTH TLS OK.
) Socket Error -2, CP: Login 3
3/29/17 03:32:18 PM IP Exception (3): ETGFTPError 03:32:18 PM FTPClient.Login: FTP Error (234 AUTH TLS OK.
) Socket Error -2 @ 00ACCC93
ftp://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/public_html/assets: Cannot access ftp://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/public_html/assets
(03:32:18 PM FTPClient.Login: FTP Error (234 AUTH TLS OK.
) Socket Error -2 at 00ACCC93)
ERROR (EPrepException): Cannot access ftp://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/public_html/assets
(03:32:18 PM FTPClient.Login: FTP Error (234 AUTH TLS OK.
) Socket Error -2 at 00ACCC93) @ 001A3FCD
Job preparation and/or building the filelist failed.
The synchronization was prepared but not carried out.
Building started: TRUE, preparation not OK.
Operation Canceled
Short Results: Failed, try a manual run.
Operation completed at 03:32:21 PM on 3/29/17
Total duration: 00:00:03
Profile Settings From /Users/wwadmin/Library/Preferences/Syncovery.cfg
Name=Sync Test
LastModified=3/29/17 03:30:12 PM
RightPath=/Volumes/File Storage Drobo/File Storage Drobo/Web/Sites/Sync Test/support/backups/Syncovery
[Exact Mirror Config]
OrigTimeOfDay=07:00:00 PM
[Schedule->Weekdays and Time Window]
Email Notification Settings:
Email Notification is OFF.
Kind regards