Folder Range selection?

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Folder Range selection?

Postby quattleb on Thu Jul 29, 2010 8:53 am

I'm on a MacPro, 10.6.4. I've used two bays in my MacPro to create a 4TB JBOD to store my music, videos, etc for iTunes.

I want to use SuperFlexible to SPLIT my backups of this JBOD between two external 2TB firewire drives, called "Music BU A-L" and "Music BU M-Z".

I figured this would take two profiles. But I see no way in the Folder Selections to specify something like:
Folders beginning with A, B, C, D, ... L (or A-L) for a profile for the Left Side.

And there are some folders beginning with numbers I need to backup as well.

Is this possible and I'm overlooking the method?

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Re: Folder Range selection?

Postby superflexible on Thu Jul 29, 2010 9:03 am

It should be possible with Folder Masks .. will try it and let you know. Theoretically you can do [A-M]* in folder masks.
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Re: Folder Range selection?

Postby quattleb on Thu Jul 29, 2010 9:08 am

Thanks for the fast reply. I got the feeling that mask [A-M]* would match a folder regardless of if it BEGAN with the [A-M].

I look forward to your continued support suggestions.
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Re: Folder Range selection?

Postby superflexible on Thu Jul 29, 2010 10:18 am

[A-M]* matches only folders that begin with any letter from A thru M.
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Re: Folder Range selection?

Postby quattleb on Thu Jul 29, 2010 10:41 am

Thank you again. I've set this up and am now running the profile.

Question: where can I find details about Masks? Neither the HELP nor the online documentation appears to have much beyond using *.doc, one mention of when using the command line, etc.

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Re: Folder Range selection?

Postby quattleb on Thu Jul 29, 2010 10:59 am

While the Folder Mask may be working the process / preview only went so far along. When I clicked CANCEL I got a message about.

"the profile has been divided into parts dues to memory availability. There is another part of the files to process. Would you like to run the profile for the remaining files, starting after /Battlefield Band" s

I had noticed in the preview I could not scroll into the "Bs" much.

I'm running 10.6.4 with 10GB RAM in 64 Bit Mode. Should I bump the Preferences / Max Memory to use way up?
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Re: Folder Range selection?

Postby superflexible on Thu Jul 29, 2010 12:13 pm


yes, on the Preferences, you can specify for memory to use or check "Never split jobs due to low memory".
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Re: Folder Range selection?

Postby quattleb on Thu Jul 29, 2010 12:20 pm

I've make the memory as big as it would take: I try entering 4000MB but it reverts to 2047MB. That got it about 10 MP3 folders further. So I'll do the "never split" next.

In the mean time: you may have missed my other post above about where I can find details for MASKS?

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Re: Folder Range selection?

Postby superflexible on Thu Jul 29, 2010 12:50 pm

There are no additional details on the masks available. You can use wildcards like * and ? and you can use sets like [A-Z]. On the Folder Masks dialog, separate several masks with semicolons.

Also on the Folder Masks dialog, you will want to use only the lower one of the two checkboxes (only "Include all subfolders of matching folders in the synchronization").

I'm surprised that the program tried to split your job up so much. How many files do you have? If you have millions of files, it might be better to keep the splitting, otherwise the Sorting phase may take a long time.

With the automatic job splitting, you can click Cancel in the Preview and it should offer to process the next part, or you can let it copy the first part and after that it will process the next.
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Re: Folder Range selection?

Postby quattleb on Thu Jul 29, 2010 2:07 pm

As I mentioned in my first post I've had to go to a 4TB JBOD to store the MP3 files. Get INfo on the drive takes a while to "Calculate size" and finally shows 485,579 items (file and folders) and 3.1TB used.

So no - not millions. I'll test soon with the "do not split" option.
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