Ignore/auto-continue "Duplicate Folder Name" warnings

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Ignore/auto-continue "Duplicate Folder Name" warnings

Postby dbcrvl on Thu Feb 09, 2017 5:25 am


I have to syncover 10 million files / 20 TBs of data to Google Drive. It worked fine the first time I ran the profile, but I stopped after a couple of months running continuously, when it was about half way through.

Now I have to run it again to continue processing files, but I am facing 2 issues:

1) It takes over 17 hours to prepare the sync before it would actually start copying, even when I have the "Cache destination file list" option enabled. Contents on Google Drive will never change, it will just be a mirror of the local files. The plan is to run the profile nightly after the "initial" sync run and only copy changes to the cloud, but if it takes 17 hours before it can start sync'ing, that won't be possible, obviously. What can I do to speed up the process?

2) Another problem I am facing is that there are some "Duplicate Folder Name, please resolve manually" warnings (I am happy with those, I just want to copy the rest of files ignoring those duplicate folders), so when the sync preparation has finished, the profile is cancelled automatically with a "Root Dirs Read, preparation not OK" error (a warning pops up asking do I want to continue anyway, but obviously I haven't seen it as I can't be in front of the computer waiting for 17 hours for it to show and click it before it times out and cancels the process). I want to run the profile anyway ignoring those warnings. How can I extend the time it waits for me to click the "continue anyway" button before cancelling? Or how can I make it continue anyway automatically ignoring those errors? I have enabled all options under "ignore these errors" but it won't help...

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Re: Ignore/auto-continue "Duplicate Folder Name" warnings

Postby superflexible on Fri Feb 17, 2017 7:20 am

if it works correcly, a long processing time for the file list should only occur once - provided that you keep the checkmark "Recursive listing" on the second tab sheet of the Internet Protocol Settings dialog. You do not need the option "Cache Destination File List", because the Google Drive connector automatically uses its caching database.

So the list is automatically cached. However there may be some circumstances that trigger a re-processing of the entire list. Usually these are bugs, and you should check if the latest version of Syncovery improves it. If not, please send the last few log files to support@syncovery.com.

Concerning the duplicate folders, I am not aware that they can cause a complete sync to be canceled. Please try the latest Syncovery version and send log files if problems remain.

You can get to the Logs folder via File menu->Show Log Folder.
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