Incomplete: File On Source No Longer Exists

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Incomplete: File On Source No Longer Exists

Postby robccuthill on Wed Aug 16, 2017 8:16 am

I'm newer to Syncovery so bear with me.

I have a Syncovery job running that copies a backup chain to a different location. The chain changed so some of the files on the source no longer exist. When the Syncovery job runs on Sat, I get a bunch of errors that some of the files no longer exists. I believe I have all of the proper options checked for unmonitored deletions to occur. What might I be missing?
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Re: Incomplete: File On Source No Longer Exists

Postby superflexible on Wed Aug 16, 2017 11:43 am

This can happen when items on the source side change while Syncovery is running the job. You can basically ignore the errors. You may want to run the job again though.

If you copy from a local hard drive, you can get a consistent snapshot by changing the Volume Shadow setting on the File Access tab sheet to
Volume Shadowing: Use for all, create shadow before building file list.

Or, if the error cannot be avoided, you can choose to ignore it by choosing
Ignore These Errors:
X Files That No Longer Exist
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Re: Incomplete: File On Source No Longer Exists

Postby robccuthill on Wed Aug 16, 2017 1:57 pm

The Source is a UNC path.
We get these errors every Sat when the job runs. The files simply don't exist any longer on the source.

I checked ignore errors. Let's see if that takes care of the issue.
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Re: Incomplete: File On Source No Longer Exists

Postby superflexible on Wed Aug 16, 2017 5:19 pm

Maybe it would also help to try to make the folder scanning faster. Please see
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