Invalid Handle error when attempting to sync

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Invalid Handle error when attempting to sync

Postby rvandervalk on Fri Jan 18, 2019 12:55 am

I'm running syncovery 7.98u and have been syncing (syncovery running on my local pc) to my remote pc for months with no issues. Now, when I try to sync I get an error "cannot access right path: \\\d\My Documents The handle is invalid".
syncovery error.jpg
syncovery error.jpg (9.33 KiB) Viewed 605 times

However if I start a terminal session with my remote PC and initiate the sync from the remote pc (syncovery running on the remote pc) to my local pc everything works fine.

Any Idea what this "invalid handle" error is all about, and how it can be fixed. Rebooted all computers but still get the error. I have no idea what might have changed that would cause this error to suddenly show up.
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Re: Invalid Handle error when attempting to sync

Postby superflexible on Tue Feb 12, 2019 4:10 am

It is a Windows networking problem, unfortunately I do not have more info.
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