Hey there! Been a long time since I posted here. I'm trying to leverage Syncovery to handle a new task.
I've got an FTP server that I want the uploaded content moved over to a different server. The profile will run every 5 minutes. My initial testing shows everything is working fine. I just have to figure out a way around this issue.
Basically content is uploaded to static folders that should remain. For example, all of the folders are names of U.S. States (Illinois, New York, etc.). I need the folders and just those folders at that level to remain after the content underneath them is moved.
Problem is that Syncovery moves everything since I can't find a way to tell it to do otherwise. This causes a problem for the FTP uploaders who then can't find the State folders that they need to upload to. Any ideas?
The only thought I have is that I might have to created separate profiles in Syncovery for every State folder that way it uses each of then as the root. That is a bit of a nightmare and unnecessarily complicated though.
Thanks in advance!