Suddenly, I am unable to sync any files from my Mac to a USB flash drive. This was working fine up until a few days ago. Now, whenever I try to mirror from the Mac to the USB drive, I get a permissions error for any files that SuperFlexible (SF) is trying to copy to the USB drive. E.g., one entry from the log file where the file existed on the source but not on the target, and SF was trying to copy it to the target:
Mac CreateNew error -5000 for /Volumes/TC16Red/Salsedo - Appeal Reply Brf.doc
Creation error: /Volumes/TC16Red/Salsedo - Appeal Reply Brf.doc (Permission Denied)
Note that when I look at the target (USB drive) after the sync has failed, there IS a file with the correct file name on the USB drive. But it's a zero-byte file, and totally empty.
I've tried recreating the profile. I've tried reformatting the USB drive. I tried using a new USB drive. I also tried downgrading to previous version of SF, since this issue seems to have started when I did an update. Nothing works. I contacted Tobias, and he doesn't know what's causing this either. I can't understand why SF would say it's got a permissions problem writing to a completely empty freshly formatted USB drive, especially since I have no problem manually copying files to it. NOTE that I can solve this problem by setting SF to run as root, but I've never had to do that before.
Anyone have any ideas?