Planning to switch to cloud backup - what's about encrytion?

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Planning to switch to cloud backup - what's about encrytion?

Postby wolle on Mon Aug 15, 2016 1:53 pm


since years I have a truecrypt encrypted external hdd to which I sync big Acronis Images for backup. Also some big folders with pictures are backed up like that.

Now I want to switch to Amazon Cloud drive 70€/year for unlimited storage sounds good. But what's about security?

Is the Syncovery buildin ZIP256AES secure enough? Regarding to have access to some of the folders from my smartphone/tablet I'd like to use an Android app too. I thought about Cryptomator (German Open-Source alternative to Boxcryptor).

Are there maybe any thoughts about a native integration of such a tool in future?

What is currently the best practice for my scenario?
Regards Wolle
Posts: 16
Joined: Mon Nov 08, 2010 4:32 pm

Re: Planning to switch to cloud backup - what's about encrytion?

Postby superflexible on Wed Aug 31, 2016 4:40 am

I think that 256-bit AES encryption is currently good enough, but hope to provide stronger encryption in the future.

The upload is pretty straightforward. Extremely large files should be split, which is recommended automatically on the Internet dialog if you choose the Amazon (Cloud) Drive protocol. You do not need to choose Zip file splitting.

You can access smartphones via the Device button on the left-hand side in Syncovery, if their storage does not appear with a drive letter.
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