I want to backup all my virtual machines from my Free ESXi server. I'm not really sure how to do that, because every idea has it's own "problem".
I want to use: partial backup, because I have almost 500GB of data to be backed up every night.
I may access the esxi server via ssh
Or I may access the storage directly via NFS, SMB, FTP, it's a 'usual' NAS.
The target storage is the same as source one - but not physically.
I have to be sure that my virtual machine is shut down and AFTER a successful shutdown superflexible should sync with the partial file feature the virtual machines. And AFTER the backup the virtual machines should be started again.
I have a shell script on the ESXi server which can tell me when the server is successfully shut down. I would be able to execute this shell script via plink.exe ("putty") from windows maybe as pre-backup-script via superfelxible.
BUT how does superflexible know that all is fine and it can start doing it's job ?
This only would be possible if I could trigger superflexibe from remote. I guess this would be the best solution, but I don't think that this is possible (yet).
I'm looking for a solid solution and nothing like creating a semaphore file which one will be deleted later or like just wait 2 minutes and then start the task.....
Any ideas ?
Regards Wolle