file date/time info from source not copied to target

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file date/time info from source not copied to target

Postby HeVo on Wed Dec 08, 2010 3:55 am

I'm synchronizing my laptop with a LiveLink environment over Webdav. When I copy files from my laptop to LiveLink the files at the LiveLink side get the current copy date/time stamp instead of the file date/time stamp according to my laptop. The other way around works just fine.
Is there a possibility to retain the D/T info at the LL side?

Any hints are much appreciated.

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Re: file date/time info from source not copied to target

Postby superflexible on Wed Dec 08, 2010 4:13 am

WebDAV does not allow this, but you can ask the server provider if they have a WebDAV extension syntax for this purpose and let me know. You can also try the timestamp setting options on the second tab sheet of the Internet dialog.
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Re: file date/time info from source not copied to target

Postby HeVo on Fri Dec 17, 2010 3:08 am

I've tried the date/time stamp options, but none of them gave a better result.
Regarding the "WebDAV extension syntax", I have this question outstanding at my provider, but still no answer...
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