Database Read/Write problem on Windows Server 2008

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Database Read/Write problem on Windows Server 2008

Postby jptyrus on Wed Jan 05, 2011 12:20 pm

I'm trying to migrate an existing installation running on Windows 2003 Server to a brand new server running on Windows 2008 Server Standard.

I've installed Super Flexible File Synchronizer 5.21b and managed to import all my profiles from the old server, but when I try to run any of them I get this error :

"Cannot open database.
Database might be in use by another profile
ISC ERROR CODE : 335544373
operating system directive OpenProcess failed
Access is denied."

I'm asked if I'd like to continue with a new, empty database and if I click yes, I'm faced with the same error repeatedly. When I look in the databases folder, SFFS seems to be creating multiple databases one after the other, but then suddenly becomes unable to do anything with them, almost as if it's blocking itself from reading them.

I thought this might be a permissions issue, but after allowing "Everyone" full control on the Databases folder, and considering the fact that SFFS is clearly able to write all these spurious databases, I no longer think it can be.

Any ideas?
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Re: Database Read/Write problem on Windows Server 2008

Postby superflexible on Wed Jan 05, 2011 5:27 pm

It's an error that is occurring inside the Firebird SQL Server. Since today I have the same problem on Windows 7, 64 bit. I am looking for a solution.
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Re: Database Read/Write problem on Windows Server 2008

Postby superflexible on Wed Jan 05, 2011 5:44 pm

It seems to be caused by the option "Run As User" on the Job tab sheet. Apparently the database server has a problem with that. I will try to find a solution.
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Re: Database Read/Write problem on Windows Server 2008

Postby superflexible on Wed Jan 05, 2011 6:07 pm

A solution seems to be to first run a job that uses a database but does not use "Run as user". After that, the SQL Server DLL is up and running and you can then run other jobs under different user accounts.

I will implement a solution to this problem in the next update, so you don't have to worry about it.
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Re: Database Read/Write problem on Windows Server 2008

Postby jptyrus on Thu Jan 06, 2011 3:33 am

How soon will the next update be available? I have a hundred or so jobs that are tasked to "Run As User" and although removing the credentials works initially, I'm guessing it doesn't allow other jobs to run unless the scheduler is available to keep the SQL Server DLL loaded?

I'd rather not have to edit every job in turn just to find out whether it still works on the new server, and I obviously can't initialise the scheduler until I'm sure they all work.

(As an aside, why isn't it possible to disable a group of profiles in one go?)
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Re: Database Read/Write problem on Windows Server 2008

Postby superflexible on Fri Jan 07, 2011 2:12 am

You will now find version 5.30rc4 on our download page where this has been fixed.

Thanks also for the additional idea!
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