I am a big fan of SFFS.

I have a feature request. Occasionally something will go wrong with a request sent to the Remote Service and it would be great if the Remote Service could communicate more info to the desktop software in those instances so that the desktop software spends less time waiting when there is an error at the remote location.
A recent example is some MD5 checksum requests that could not be opened and gave the following error:
Checksumming exception: A: Cannot open file
After a number of tries the Remote Service deletes the file, but if I manually copy it back to the original location the Remote Service then opens it fine. The problem is intermittent, and there is no discernible pattern. It was happening when I was running a profile with Binary Compare enabled (and using the Remote Service for checksums on the Right side, which is the destination). This is the first time I have run this. My intention is to periodically run my offsite profiles with Binary Compare turned on as a way to check that files at the destination are still correct (ie, to make sure no data corruption has somehow happened). In this instance, not every checksum request produced an error; it would process several fine and then throw an error on several.
I don't mind so much that the Remote Service encounters errors occasionally, but my request is that it be able to communicate more with the SFFS desktop software. So for example, if the Remote Service encounters some kind of error (such as the above) and is not able to process a command for whatever reason, it would be great if it could send a command back to the SFFS desktop software notifying it of that. Then the desktop software could take appropriate action (in this case re-send the checksum request). Currently the SFFS desktop software will just wait and wait (and most likely eventually time out), but if the Remote Service could communicate more with the desktop software that could greatly reduce the waiting.
Thank you much for your consideration!