Specifying exclusions for an ftp site

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Specifying exclusions for an ftp site

Postby RichTWebGuy on Thu Mar 10, 2011 5:58 pm

I want to mirror a directory structure on my PC to an ftp site. There are folders on the ftp I want to exclude (i.e. not delete). They could be folders the hosting company put there (for stats, etc.). Putting /folder in the exclusiions mask doesn't help. Any ideas appreciated.
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Re: Specifying exclusions for an ftp site

Postby superflexible on Thu Mar 10, 2011 6:13 pm

In principle, /folder in the Exclusion Masks is exactly what you need to do. You just have to get the hierarchy level right. Depending on the base folder you specified for the FTP side, you may have to exclude /www/folder or something like that.

In general the best practice is to specify a right-hand FTP path with as many subfolders as necessary to avoid conflicts with other folders.

If you can't get the exclusion to work, you could also exclude a folder named, for example stats, by typing just stats into the Exclusion Masks, without any slash. This will exclude stats whereever it might occur in the folder tree.

I just tried it with the latest version 5.36c, you may want to update.
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Re: Specifying exclusions for an ftp site

Postby razeliex on Sat Apr 09, 2011 1:17 am

How do I setup a FTP or something like it so I can acess my files from anywhere? Alright,I simply want to access my files from anywhere.Would it be through FTP? I'd like something that's free to set up.Please be sure to give information from area.
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Re: Specifying exclusions for an ftp site

Postby superflexible on Sun Apr 10, 2011 8:17 am

There pretty good offerings but FTP is usually included only in payed subscriptions. For example, filesanywhere.com and adrive.com have free web space but FTP is not included in the free packages. Maybe somebody else has some tips.
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