I have a feature request that is a further improvement on a recent improvement. Since version 5.10: "Interrupted ZIP Package uploads will now always be resumed the next time the profile is run - even if the ZIP Package is split. Previously this feature was only partially implemented." As a result of this improvement I am experimenting with handling some large files differently when backing up over WAN. The VPN service that I use will occasionally, briefly lose connection, so I am wanting to minimize the amount of data that might have to be retransmitted in the event that a connection issue corrupts the file transfer.
So I am using the following settings:
-Zip packages, within unzipping performed by the Remote Service.
-1 file per zip package; max file size of 4GB.
-Limit Zip File Size to 50MB.
The last setting (Limit Zip File Size) is the most relevant. By keeping the parts small I hope to have less to retransmit if an upload of a part fails for some reason.
In trying out these settings I am noticing that it does not appear that the individual zip package parts have MD5 checksums computed for them. Further, it appears that once a zip package part (eg, .z01, .z02) has been uploaded it is deleted from the Temp directory on the local source computer. My concern with this approach is that a individual part could be corrupted, but if there is no checking of the integrity of each part then in the event one is corrupted they will all have to be resent (because it appears that the Remote Service will only discover that a part was corrupted when it tries to assemble all of the parts and the assembly fails or the assembled zip package fails its MD5 checksum check).
If each zip package part (eg, .z01, .z02, etc) could be verified (ie, by MD5 checksum) to be correct (after it arrives and before the source part file is deleted) then I can more easily transfer large files (1GB+) by having them split up into smaller chunks so that any time there is a connection issue SFFS only has to retransmit a small chunk (ie, a 50MB zip package part).
I hope that the above makes sense.
As always many thanks in advance for your consideration!