by alexia_net on Thu Apr 07, 2011 6:10 am
Hi. I am not saying that it could be a software error. The thing is that both servers have dedicated nics for backups and both have raid 5. Also, we have dedicated network for backup. There is enough CPU and RAM as well on the servers. So there should not be a problem with the traffic, especially that only 3 jobs run simultaneously. For example today, to jobs have failed twice and my guess is that the files which were copied were to big. One of them is 107 Gb and the other one is 139 Gb. The other jobs seems to be running well, the files being smaller, like 60 Gb. So, could this be a thing related with the way the software is handling files bigger then 100 Gb? I am not saying that its a software problem, but giving the infrastructure that we have and that the other jobs run fine, this is the the first ting I am thinking of. I have also run a ping while the sync job was in progress. No time out. Thank you.