Question about locked files

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Question about locked files

Postby denverdude2000 on Thu Apr 07, 2011 6:29 pm

I am currently testing SFFS to see if it will work for syncing files between two offices.

I currently have the software installed locally on a XP Pro box and have it syncing one of my test network shares. SFFS appears to be syncing the files, but I have noticed that none of the file attributes are being copied and none of the temporary files used for locking Word, Excel or AutoCAD files are being synced or copied over. Because of this I can potentially have the same files opened and edited in two locations...not a good thing to have.

If there a setting somewhere that will allow these temporary files and file attributes to be copied so I can make sure the same files are not edited in two offices?

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Re: Question about locked files

Postby superflexible on Fri Apr 08, 2011 1:51 am

Attributes are always copied. Not sure which attributes you mean though. The temporary files can only "lock" as long as they are on the same computer. If you copy it to another, they will not perform this function any more.

Regardless, you can check the Global Exclusion Masks on the Program Settings dialog. Also, if you are using the Real-Time feature, there is a checkmark on the real-time dialog concerning temporary files.
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