Error 5: Access is Denied

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Error 5: Access is Denied

Postby vince77 on Mon Apr 18, 2011 3:01 pm

I am trying to move everything I have copied using SFFS from 1 ext hd to another. I selected the option to process security and shares.

When i setup a job to move everything i keep getting Access is Denied on a lot of the files. I am the domain admin and i also selected to run SFFS as administrator by right clicking the icon.

any other suggestions?
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Re: Error 5: Access is Denied

Postby superflexible on Mon Apr 18, 2011 3:28 pm

You may want to make sure you have the latest version 5.43 or later, because it enables the backup and restore privileges to be a bit more powerful in such situations. However, if the Administrator account does not have read access to some of the source files, it can't copy them.

Even if you want to "move" everything, don't. Just let the program copy it. When it's done, you can reformat the hard drive that you want to clean.

If problems remain, please send a log file with error messages to
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