Change TimeZone on Local to Local copy

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Change TimeZone on Local to Local copy

Postby x41andyg on Thu Apr 21, 2011 5:48 am

Hi, I'm doing a very simple backup from Local Disk to Local Disk every 10 minutes and using the Versioning Feature (Filename Encoding) so that I know precisely when a file was created. It seems to be creating the file using a GMT timezone...? I would like to set it to my own timezone as it is a local copy only procedure.
Can you please let me know how to setup the timezone for a "Copy Left to Right - Standard Copy".

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Re: Change TimeZone on Local to Local copy

Postby superflexible on Thu Apr 21, 2011 6:10 am


I understand your request and I agree it might be prettier to see your times there. But there is no settings for that.

The Filename Encoding feature of our software always uses UTC (Coordinated Universal Time). It is necessary to avoid issues with daylight saving time and to enable customers to exchange files across timezones. However if you use Filename Encoding, you don't need to look at the encoded filenames yourself. Super Flexible File Synchronizer will always decode the names and show the correct time in the Sync Preview. You can also use it to restore files and choose the desired target date, if you don't want to restore the latest version.

Even if you prefer to see your timezone in the encoded filenames, it will cause problems sooner or later. We switched to UTC for a reason, which is to avoid any possible confusion of times.

Windows uses UTC too, in the file system, and it translates it for display in Windows Explorer on the fly. So it does the same as our software. Except that you can't see the internal file system formats, as opposed to the encoded filenames, which you can see. Ideally you just wouldn't look at them. You can look at the file time that Windows Explorer displays instead.
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