We are running 5.43 (just upgraded from 5.42) and we have an issue with sending email summaries. THis issue was present in 5.42 and 5.43 - and I believe that it started immediately after SFFS was installed.
If we go into email settings there is only one recipient listed and if we look at the SMTP Configuration tab we are able to send test emails successfully. There is a much longer delay before the DONE pops up, but is does complete and the test email is received.
On the notify tab we have a Daily Summary scheduled to go every day at 8AM. If I send it manually by clicking the “send now” button it will hang and about 1 min later I get a popup that has a title of "NOTE" and the error message is “ERROR Read timed out”
We get the same response if “Send email when tasks complete is NOT checked and we try to send now.
Any thoughts on how to resolve this issue? Thanks for any ideas or input.