Execute After, Multiple Items

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Execute After, Multiple Items

Postby ServerGuy on Thu Apr 07, 2011 10:04 am

Maybe I'm just not reading the documentation correctly, but is there a way to have the program execute multiple Items After the profile completes? What I'm going for is that The profile downloads a file, i then have it executing a batch file after the profile completes to decrypt the file. This is run with an unlimited wait because the size of the file can vary. Then I need to run another profile after that batch file completes. Is there a syntax to accomplish this?

I noted there was the :: option but i need both of these to always run, not conditionally.

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Re: Execute After, Multiple Items

Postby ServerGuy on Fri Apr 22, 2011 9:11 am

I just now attempted to chain together the following command. It executes the batch file correctly but never goes on and runs the next chained profile. Any ideas?

!C:\Scripts\Batch.bat :: !RUN PROFILE Second Return

I also tried it with quotes around the profile name since it has a space in it. That didnt have any effect. Then I also tried removing the second ! before run profile. which didnt do anything as well.
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Re: Execute After, Multiple Items

Postby superflexible on Fri Apr 22, 2011 11:56 am

Oh, yes, correct - as the documentation says, "only one command will be executed". All commands that you combine with :: are mutually exclusive. Only the first one will be executed where the condition matches.

How about invoking Batch.bat as an "Execute before" command in the second profile? Then you don't have to chain anything.
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