SSH Error 105

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SSH Error 105

Postby ServerGuy on Tue Apr 26, 2011 11:22 am

I have a profile setup that downloads a file from a SFTP site. I dont believe the user has permissions on this folder to upload anything. However I dont receive an error that states that. Below is a partial log when I attempt to download the file. From what I gather the error is that the connection keeps being lost, but I know the connection is fine as i can download the file manually using an FTP program. Ive tried playing with settings and moving the connections from the left side to the right side. Any idea?

11:12:43 AM: PerformStuffAfterCopying for file.TXT.gpg, CopyMode=cmRightToLeft, CompletedCopyMode=cmRightToLeft
11:12:43 AM: Right Original Name:
11:12:43 AM: Right Original Name (2): file.TXT.gpg
11:12:00 AM-SSH error 105.
11:12:02 AM: FTP Exception (5): EElSimpleSFTPClientError Connection lost (error code is 10058) @ 00B10CE1
11:12:42 AM: FTP Exception (5): EElSimpleSFTPClientError Connection lost (error code is 0) @ 00B10BD9
Exception checking the connection: Connection lost (error code is 0)
CalcCanRetryNow: Exception reconnecting: Connection lost (error code is 0)
Exception "CONNECTION LOST (ERROR CODE IS 0)" at 00B10BD9.
Filename: s
Checkpoints: SPCSX/DCopy05t
Incomplete file deleted from destination: C:\Hold\Archive\file.TXT.gpg

Errors / Access problems with 1 File(s):

\file.TXT.gpg (CONNECTION LOST (ERROR CODE IS 0) at 00B10BD9.CP: SPCSX/DCopy05t)
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Re: SSH Error 105

Postby superflexible on Tue Apr 26, 2011 12:25 pm


SSH Error 105 means an incompatibility with the MAC hashing algorithm. Please go to the Advanced SSH Settings and try different settings for the MAC Algorithm. The Advanced SSH Settings can be found on the Security tab sheet of the Internet dialog.
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