update password off all ZIP Encryption

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update password off all ZIP Encryption

Postby iconbill on Sun Apr 17, 2011 3:35 pm

Each year we are changing passwords, now it's one year i'm using SFFS, and now I need to change all passwords of all current ZIP encrypted files on the backup target, before I change the password in the settings of the profile. Please tell me how I can do this? Deleting target backup (and also deleting the versioning) is not an option.
Kind regards,
Marco Smeets
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Re: update password off all ZIP Encryption

Postby superflexible on Sun Apr 17, 2011 3:45 pm

That is not really possible. Backups are static items which can't be changed like that.

The only way would be to restore the data (unzip & decrypt) to some temporary folder and then encrypt it again.

Maybe you can just leave the files alone. If you are going to add new files with a different password, that's fine. Backups can contain mixed passwords. But you will have to know all passwords that have ever been used when you want to make a full restore. When the restore operation encounters a file where the password does not match, it will ask for the correct password. During the restore operation, the program remembers all passwords and tries them automatically on every file so you only have to enter each password once.
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Re: update password off all ZIP Encryption

Postby iconbill on Mon Apr 18, 2011 2:08 pm

it is mission impossible to unzip all data to a temporary folder, it's to much and in the future it would be to much work in the case more customers would going to use SFFS. And we never store old passwords.
That means I need another tool to get the current password updated :shock:

Anyone out there knowns a tool for update massive ZIP files?
Kind regards,
Marco Smeets
Posts: 23
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Re: update password off all ZIP Encryption

Postby rossmcm on Wed Apr 27, 2011 3:06 pm

I'm afraid what you are asking is not really possible. The whole point about passwords on ZIP files is that the password determines the contents of the ZIP file. And the password itself is not actually stored anywhere in the ZIP file (because that would be silly!). The only way of changing the password (as has been said already) is to unzip file file using the current password and zip it up again using the new password.

This is not so difficult if you have access to the files. I wrote a batch file to recursively scan a folder tree unzipping any archives to a temp folder and them zipping them again with a password to a new folder tree. If the backup zip files are remote though, you have a problem.

I can see your problem, I don't have a solution. As superflexible says, you could just leave the existing backups with the old password and re-enter it if you need to restore those ones. This is not an acceptable solution if the reason you want to change the password is because the old one has been compromised, of course.

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