I had set up SFFS on Windows, then we went and bought Macs. I have tried to set up the identical profile on the Mac, but it isn't handling the NAS share name (right side) correctly. I pick up the folder names using the browse dialog, but SFFS enters the name in the filename window incorrectly. Oddly, this is happening in some places in the profile, but not others. What is really odd is that I can see in the initial run of the profile, it is using the wrong share name at the top of the preview screen, but seems to be working. (I haven't yet let the profile run fully - I've only gone as far as previewing the potential sync, then quit.) However, no matter what I try, the deleted folders dialog doesn't work. When running the profile, I get the error message saying "The option to move deleted files into a folder is turned of for one or both sides because the folder setting is not appropriate." Through testing I have determined its the right path to the NAS (It would be nice if the error message would specify which path its complaining about). I even tried using a text editor on the profile file to get rid of the faulty names, but they just keep coming back.
All of the error paths look like the following.
Correct path (as I knew it in Windows): \\nas-xxx\Bruce\folder
Faulty path name: /Volumes/Bruce-1/folder
The problem is the "-1" being appended to the correct share name.
I've also tried entering in a fully qualified name "Mac-style" in the form smb://nas-xxx/Bruce/folder but the program likes that in some places, not in others. I'm not sure whats with the Mac "Volumes" thing but that creates a little problem for me. Currently I've got two NAS machines on site (//nas-xxx and //nas-yyy) with mostly identical share names. One of them will move offsite once we have sync between the NAS units and the computers working. The generic "/Volumes" name doesn't let me verify which NAS I've typed in. Is this a Mac thing? The fanbois told me Macs were so perfect... ha.
(The second NAS has never been accessed by the Mac in question, FWIW.)
--Bruce Morris