Conflicting Files Rename

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Conflicting Files Rename

Postby denverdude2000 on Sat Apr 30, 2011 5:08 pm

I have two offices that I am testing SuperFlexible to sync files between. Currently the SuperFlexible software will add a "$" to a file's extension that has been updated in both locations and is in conflict.

Is there a way to instead of adding the "$" to the extension, to add something more obvious to the user? Say something like "filename-CONFLICT.txt"?

The main problem we are having is most programs when browsing for a file to open will filter the files according to the extension that the program uses. A file with a weird extension never shows up in the program's file browser list so no one ever sees the file in conflict. For instance, Excel's file browser will never see a file called "spreadsheet.xls$", so the user never knows that there may be two copies of the same file.
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Re: Conflicting Files Rename

Postby superflexible on Sun May 01, 2011 2:56 am


on the SmartTracking dialog, tab sheet "Conflicting Files", please remove the checkmarkat the bottom. The the renaming scheme will be like this:

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Re: Conflicting Files Rename

Postby denverdude2000 on Sun May 01, 2011 8:28 pm

I see...thanks. Is there anyway to modify this setting so it names the conflict files with something other than "-1.*"?

Is this something I can modify in the .INI file?

Thanks again.
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Re: Conflicting Files Rename

Postby superflexible on Thu May 05, 2011 2:44 pm

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