sticking on 'removing empty folders'

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sticking on 'removing empty folders'

Postby ipopipo on Mon May 09, 2011 3:41 am


using SFFS 5.40b
mirror sync with FTP (using remote service). 10.000 files.
it takes a long time to finish the profile.
sync is finished and then SFFS will stick 'removing empty folders' and will reach end of time window.
no activity on remote ftp when removing empty folders.

Any suggestions?
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Re: sticking on 'removing empty folders'

Postby superflexible on Mon May 09, 2011 4:41 am

First, I would recommend installing the latest version (currently 5.45a) and then please stop the scheduler and run the job manually in the foreground. Make sure that everything in the Sync Preview is correct and makes sense. Are there a lot of folders to be deleted? Then let it run and you may see some more information.

If problems remain, please send a log file to
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