Overwrite Warning Popup Windows not resizable

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Overwrite Warning Popup Windows not resizable

Postby xb2o on Fri Sep 02, 2011 4:54 am

This is an old problem for me, but I think this should be easily fixable.
I tend to use a deep folder structure on my Mac to get all my information "organized".

When you are about to overwrite a file with a more recent version, you get a Synchronizer warning popup windows which includes the paths to the old (destination) and the new (source) versions of the file, and a prompt asking if you want to cancel the overwriting of the files or other options.

Unfortunately, this window is not resizable, so in most cases, you cannot see for which file this warning is raised, because the path string is truncated, so you have to take a dangerous decision "in the dark".

I think we should be able either to resize this popup windows or to scroll through the path fields to find out which exact file is about to be overwritten.

I am running version 5.50 for Mac.
I have attached a screen capture.

PS. Being curious to see if this flaw was fixed in Version 6, I downloaded the 6.023 beta, but could'nt make it run. Downgrading back to 5.50 was also unsuccessful, so I am a bit stuck but this is another story.
Capture d’écran 2011-09-02 à 11.06.15.png
Overwrite Warining Popup : file path & name is truncated, so you don't know with which file you are dealing
Capture d’écran 2011-09-02 à 11.06.15.png (111.43 KiB) Viewed 775 times
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Re: Overwrite Warning Popup Windows not resizable

Postby superflexible on Fri Sep 02, 2011 6:52 am


yes this will be improved.

To get back to the older version, it may help to delete the new version and then reinstall the old one.
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