Security information not copying

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Security information not copying

Postby RichardP on Tue Sep 13, 2011 6:04 am


Due to 1 too many issues with DFSR, I had to look at alternatives to replicating data around 3 servers. What I was guided to was SFFS.

I really like the SFFS, as its very quick, easy to configure and seems reliable.

One thing I am having isssues with though is security as we run some complex special permissions.

The 'master' copy of data has its permissions in tact, but when copying over to the 'remote' locations, it loses it. It is fundamental that permissions are copied across as we have some secure jobs, were only specific people should have access, and the special permissions are in place to prevent users deleting folder structure, moving jobs etc.

I have checked, and all tick boxes are enabled on the file security tab, and I have also tried the Windows API copy tick box, but nothing seems to make a difference.

As I am new to the software, am I just missing something?

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Re: Security information not copying

Postby superflexible on Tue Sep 13, 2011 6:48 am


I don't know what you mean with "File Security Tab", but what you need is the checkmark "Process Security and Shares" in the Special settings category in the profile.

A separate dialog will pop up entitled "Security and Shares". There should choose:
- Copy Owner Setting
- Copy Group Setting
- Copy Permissions.

More is not normally needed, unless you need to update existing files.

If the machines are on a different domain, you may have to choose to "Translate Security IDs".

The program must be running as Administrator. If you have a recent Windows version with UAC, you have to start it by right-clicking the icon and choosing "Run As Administrator". If you are using the scheduler, it must be installed as a service (see

If problems remain, we need to look in the log file. To see more details on security settings in the logs, go to the Program Settings dialog (F8) and choose "File Security Details" on the Logs tab sheet.
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Re: Security information not copying

Postby RichardP on Tue Sep 13, 2011 7:33 am

Sorry, meant Security and Shares.....

What was probably wrong was the lack of running as a service, which I have now configured, and running the front end as Admin. (Server is 2008 R2)

The 'Building List' is now going through again, and its far slower, so I assume its also looking at security.

Time will tell.

Thanks for the input.
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Re: Security information not copying

Postby Jcanose81 on Mon Apr 22, 2013 8:47 am

We're having the same issues.
The security copied over fine for our local servers, but when I ran another archive over the weekend from one of our remote offices, the permissions don't seem to be copying over. All that is showing in security is SYSTEM, our local admin and Administrators.

We have choosen all the correct options in Special>Process Security and Shares> as in the image above.

Thank you
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