Real-time backup "Waiting For Availability"

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Real-time backup "Waiting For Availability"

Postby Alexander on Sun Jan 22, 2012 8:11 am


I have a problem setting up a backup profile which synchronizes data between network drive & removable USB-drive. The profile doesn't run in background as expected, instead showing "Waiting For Availability" in the "Next Run" column (see the 3rd profile on the first screenshot attached).

- when run manually - this profile runs OK, both in foreground & in background;
- other profile syncing another folders between the same drives (1st profile on the screenshot) runs automatically in the background OK.

I use Windows 7 x64, SSFS 5.62, scheduler is run as a service. Profile settings for real-time sync can be seen on the second screenshot attached.

Please help to identify the cause of this problem. Thanks in advance.

screen.png (56.81 KiB) Viewed 2297 times

screen2.png (60.65 KiB) Viewed 2323 times
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Re: Real-time backup "Waiting For Availability"

Postby superflexible on Sun Jan 22, 2012 9:04 am

Maybe one of the folders does not exist yet? Real-time sync does not create the base folder, except starting with version 5.63 it does.
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Re: Real-time backup "Waiting For Availability"

Postby Alexander on Sun Jan 22, 2012 9:09 am

Base folders do exist. As I mentioned, manually running the profile (via any of 3 right-click -> "Run..." commands) succeeds - synchronization starts and completes without errors. However, after that the profile doesn't start automatically even if I change contents on either side.
P.S. I will certainly upgrade to v. 5.6.3 after another profile uploading ~50 Gb of data to Google Docs is complete.
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Re: Real-time backup "Waiting For Availability"

Postby superflexible on Sun Jan 22, 2012 9:17 am

I think the service is not set up to access the network drive. If the other job runs in the background, it may not be run by the service (when you right-click and choose Run in Background, jobs are normally run by a background app and not by the service).

To set up the service to be able to access network drives, please see

To get better error reporting, you may want to try a fixed schedule every 1 minute first. When that works, you can go back to real-time. Because the 1-minute-jobs create log files, you can look at the error messages in the logs. You can't do that for the "Waiting" state.
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Re: Real-time backup "Waiting For Availability"

Postby Alexander on Sun Jan 22, 2012 9:33 am

Another profile runs via scheduler, as I didn't invoke any commands manually. And it runs for several weeks already without my intervention. So I presume the service has access to the network drive.

If I deselect real-time sync and schedule the problematic profile to run every 1 min. instead, it runs without errors. Here is the log file (I created a test folder with 1 file in it - and it was successfully copied to the other side during the next sync):
Code: Select all
Super Flexible File Synchronizer v5.62, build 291

Licensed to: Alexander Borouhin
Running on : boroukhinae
Running as : BOROUKHINAE\borouhin  (Admin)

Log for profile Archive.extra R <-> T, started at 18:29:31 on 22.01.2012

LEFT: \\trinity\private\archive.extra
RIGHT: T:\archive.extra

Copying Direction : Bidirectional (Left To Right And Right To Left)
The profile is executed by the scheduler in a separate thread.

Previous run was at 22.01.2012 18:27:31:

Left Side Volume Name:                private
Right Side Volume Name:               PERENOSKA

Move Deleted Files Into Folder Setting is ON.

Left  folder to move deleted files into is: C:\Temp\_deleted_archive.extra (OK: TRUE)
Right folder to move deleted files into is: C:\Temp\_deleted_archive.extra (OK: TRUE)

Using reference database in file C:\ProgramData\SuperFlexibleSynchronizer\Database\Archive.extra R - T.syncfdb (85791 Entries)

Free Space on left side :   2 525 GB, needed:    0 Bytes
Free Space on right side:     110 GB, needed:    0 Bytes

Created folder: \\trinity\private\archive.extra\111
RENAME Working Copy To  \\trinity\private\archive.extra\111\test
COPY L<-R T:\archive.extra\111\test  (0,0kB)

Reference database closed: C:\ProgramData\SuperFlexibleSynchronizer\Database\Archive.extra R - T.syncfdb (85793 Entries)

Short Results: 1 copied
Operation completed at 18:31:05 on 22.01.2012
Total duration: 00:01:33

Copied To Left Side: 1 (0,0kB)
Folders Created On Left Side: 1

Average copying time per file  : 0,1 s
Copying time for fastest file  : 0,1 s
Copying time for slowest file  : 0,1 s


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However. if I change back to real-time sync - it doesn't work.
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Re: Real-time backup "Waiting For Availability"

Postby superflexible on Sun Jan 22, 2012 10:10 am

Can you stop the service and start it again?
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Re: Real-time backup "Waiting For Availability"

Postby Alexander on Sun Jan 22, 2012 10:56 am

superflexible wrote:Can you stop the service and start it again?

Unfortunately, I've just went away from the local network where the synchronized drive is located, and I'll not be back till Thursday. So I'll test your suggestion and respond on Thursday. Thanks for the effort to help, I hope this issue will be easily resolved.
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Re: Real-time backup "Waiting For Availability"

Postby Alexander on Thu Jan 26, 2012 5:22 am

After returning home & reconnecting to the local network, everything runs just fine. Probably, a restart was necessary indeed.
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