I am trying to use underscore "_" between variables as part of the path name but the application does not replace the variable if followed by the underscore character.
My tree structures is as follows: E:\Public\YYYY\YYYY_MM\YYYY_MM_DD, but whenever I atttempted to used the variables E:\Public\$YDYEAR\$YDYEAR_$YDMONTHNUM... I received the following message:
"Cannot access left path: E:\Public\2012\$YEAR_01... The system cannot find the file specified"
However, if I replace the underscore characater "_" with a dash "-" it works as expected:
E:\Public\$YDYEAR\$YDYEAR-$YDMONTHNUM -> E:\Public\2012\2012-01
Is there any escape character I can use in order to include underscore as part of the path? what would be a workaround ? Unfortunalety I cannot replace the existing naming system