Is there any easy way to set up a shortcut/alias to run a profile directly from outside of the main program, e.g., from an icon on my desktop?
For all I know, there is a laughingly easy way to accomplish this staring me in the face from some menu, and I'm just missing it... but as of now, the only way I was able to get this done was to do the following:
1. Create a shell script file with the command lines to start the profile.
2. chmod the file to be executable (necessary if you don't want to have a .command extension)
3. Customize the resulting ugly icon by opening the Info palette and dragging the SuperFlexible icon onto it (for aesthetic purposes only).
While this works, it has the following drawbacks:
1. It automatically opens terminal and leaves the process running (even if you set the window to auto-close on disconnect).
2. It's a hassle to do this for every profile for which I'd like a shortcut.
Any advice/suggestions/guidance greatly appreciated!!