How does Syncovery work with Google Drive? & DropBox?

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How does Syncovery work with Google Drive? & DropBox?

Postby oli on Tue Sep 04, 2012 7:30 pm


I am not a user de Syncovery, but I need to know before to start to use it,
- How does the application Syncovery on Mac in Mountain Lion 10.8.1 work with the cloud solution from Google called Google Drive?
- How does the same application still on Mac work with DropBox?

Could you please explain step by step how simple it is to use your application, synchronising files online on those 2 different cloud services.

thank you for your help.
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Re: How does Syncovery work with Google Drive? & DropBox?

Postby superflexible on Wed Sep 05, 2012 4:28 pm


Google Drive is directly supported (click on the Internet button for one side an choose Google Docs as protocol).

DropBox is not directly supported but you can sync with your DropBox folder on your hard drive.

The step-by-step instructions are built into the program (in Wizard Mode). Please try it and remember to click the Internet button for one of the two sides of the sync.
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