...but I have several profiles and would like to see all available logfiles. Of course, I can go via menu "options/logs/open in windows explorer", but this is not as easy as the button. Is this a bug or a feature ?
Yes this is by design. When you choose "Show Log Files..." on the Profile Overview, it will show only the logs for the selected profile. Remember that this can be many, if you have selected to have a separate log file creates for each run.
When you choose "Show Log Files..." on the Scheduler tab sheet, it will show the logs for all profiles (because you can't select a profile on the scheduler tab sheet).
Okay, but if I select more than one profile in profile overview, it still only shows one logfile, not the logfiles of all selected profiles.^ Shouldn't I get all logs of the selected profiles then?
No matter how many you select in the profile overview window, the only one that will show logs for is the last one hightlighted.
If you want to see all of them is to go to the scheduler tab. Once there click on the tools and settings tab and click show log files.
The other option you have is you can manually browse to the folder where you keep the log files and there you will see all of them and you can open any of them.
Maybe in a future release the guys at SuperFlexible could add this but at this time it is not available. I hope this helps.
@superflexible: Wouldn't it be a good idea to add a "suggestions" subforum so ideas and feature requests could be shared and you (and everybody else) can see from the responses what suggestions are important for many users and which are not?
I don't want to discuss feature requests in public because it puts too much pressure on me. I can easily see what people want from the many emails I get each day.