Real-time sync does not work (works on Win7 machine)

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Real-time sync does not work (works on Win7 machine)

Postby DGalt on Mon Nov 05, 2012 8:48 pm

I've been playing with Syncovery and have gotten it working beautifully on my windows machine, but I can't seem to get the same working on my mac laptop (snow leopard).

I have a server (unRaid server...based on linux) that I connect to both over a LAN as well as a VPN that both my windows machine and my laptop are pointed at as the thing to sync to. I have my Win7 machine set up so that it syncs just fine (change a file, it updates to the newest version, delete a file it gets put in the "delete" folder, create a new file it shows up instantly).

I wish I could say the same for my OSX laptop. It will run through the setup fine and will run just fine, updating any changes I've made. But it just sits there saying "monitoring folders" and "nothing to bed done," and if I change any file the only way to get it to update is to run the profile again. Considering this takes upwards of an hour to do I just can't feasibly tell it to "Run" every few minutes or something.

Does real time sync not work for macs? I would love to buy this software, but that would be a total deal killer.
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Re: Real-time sync does not work (works on Win7 machine)

Postby superflexible on Tue Nov 06, 2012 3:12 am

The problem is a Mac OS problem. It has nothing to do with our software.

Mac OS is not able to receive and process the realtime events via network.

So, just use a Windows machine to fulfill this task.

For more information about prerequisites for real-time, please see

If you have to perform full syncs, you can probably speed up building the file list. For example by using FTP or SSH/SFTP with a recursive listing. See also

Best wishes,
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