I create a directory with files and sub-directories on the master system, let it replicate to the other server, then delete it. The directory is not deleted on the remote system and the following error is in the profile log:
- Code: Select all
This run processes individual real-time events (files and folders).
0. 12/7/2012 2:18:57 PM DEL L copy_test
0. Examining delete action, timestamps L/R: unknown/unknown, action time: 12/7/2012 2:18:57 PM
Scanning folder \copy_test
To perform: cmDelete copy_test
Successfully processed real-time data.
Folder marked for deletion: copy_test
Free Space on left side : unknown, needed: 0 Bytes
Free Space on right side: unknown, needed: 0 Bytes
2:19:03 PM.889: About to start copying
Folder deletion will be attempted: \\web7\c$\test\copy_test
2:19:03 PM.889: Copying Pass Complete
Folder not deleted \\web7\c$\test\copy_test (The directory is not empty., attempts: 2)
Due to a large number fo files in the root directory being synchronized, I am using "Process Each File Event Individually" in the Real-Time settings. I can't use "Process Complete Folders" becuase any change at the root directory seems to for a full recursive directory scan.
Any ideas on why the directories are not being deleted?