Multiple computers synced using Real-Time Sync

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Multiple computers synced using Real-Time Sync

Postby FDMaguire on Tue Dec 04, 2012 11:36 pm

I might be asking a basic question here, but I cannot seem to find the answer in looking around the "Documentation" section of the new web site. {friendly thought that you might want to put the entire user manual up there on the software as a PDF while I apologize if I am just not finding it}.

I am looking to have multiple computers synced in real time on on home network and, at times, over the VPN, to my notebook computer. Basically, I will sync on local LAN to the two desktop computers and the notebook computer when not traveling while linking the notebook computer via a VPN when on the road.

One each desktop computer, I have a large secondary hard drive for all the files. I have the hard drive partitioned out to be multiple driver for various family members and business files. Right now, I am simply using my desktop computer as a poor man's file server to my wife's desktop computer and the notebook computer.

What I would like to do is have all the files from each of the partitioned hard driver to be synced to match across all three computers. This would allow me to shut down any of the computers when we are not using them.

I am not sure that your software will work okay with multiple computers seeking to do the same set of files..... make the "D Drive" and "E Drive" match across all three computers at the same time.

Thanks for you help on this question.

FD Maguire
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Re: Multiple computers synced using Real-Time Sync

Postby superflexible on Fri Dec 07, 2012 5:06 am

Do files need to be copied in all directions, or only be pushed from the "central" storage to the other storages?

Do file deletions have to be mirrored?
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Re: Multiple computers synced using Real-Time Sync

Postby FDMaguire on Sat Dec 08, 2012 7:09 pm

Yes, the files need to be copied in all directions. But, I could set one to be the hub as the core file server... it just would not be on 100% of the time. But, it would be on the majority of the time.

And, yes, I need the file deletions to sync in all directions as well.

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Re: Multiple computers synced using Real-Time Sync

Postby jjjasont on Sat Dec 08, 2012 9:42 pm

This is quite similar to my requirements, I would like to know if this is possible as well.

e.g. Computer A, B and Amazon S3 are all in Sync.

Whether it is possible to achieve the following scenario:
1. Computer A perform a file operation (Create a file, edit a file, rename a file or delete a file).
2. The operation will be sync to S3 in real time.
3. This file operation is also reflected in Computer B.
4. If it is a edit/rename/delete operation, the historical revision will be stored in another S3 folder/S3 bucket. So that Computer A and B will always see the latest version of the file.

5. If Computer B performs another operation, the same will happen to S3 and Computer A.

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Re: Multiple computers synced using Real-Time Sync

Postby superflexible on Mon Dec 10, 2012 1:00 pm

Using one central storage is the best method. Then each additional computer can have a two-way SmartTracking sync job that synchronizes with the Real-Time checkmark selected. To catch up with items that were missed when either machine was off, make sure you leave this checkmark on the Real-Time Sync dialog checked:

X Run Profile Entirely Once, then Use Real-Time Synchronization

On the Files tab sheet, make sure that you choose "Automatically-resume" because this will copy with temporary filenames, preventing additional machines from trying to copy incomplete files.

With Amazon S3, on the other hand, real-time operation works only for uploading. So to get the files downloaded to the other machines, you also need to schedule a regular full sync. That is done be choosing a schedule on the Schedule tab sheet, such as every 5 minutes.
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Re: Multiple computers synced using Real-Time Sync

Postby superflexible on Mon Dec 10, 2012 1:02 pm

Settings for keeping versions can be found on the Versioning tab sheet. A folder for deleted files can be specified under Files->Deletions. These folders have to be in the same bucket.

For Amazon S3, you also have to choose "Filename Encoding" on the Versioning tab sheet in order to preserve the files' Last Modified timestamps.
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Re: Multiple computers synced using Real-Time Sync

Postby FDMaguire on Wed Dec 12, 2012 7:36 pm

Thanks for the feedback. I am digging further into things now.

FD Maguire
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