FSOpenFork error -54

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FSOpenFork error -54

Postby XCL on Sat Mar 23, 2013 9:58 am

I'm currently evaluating Syncovery to backup/synchronize a Mac to a Synology NAS and hopefully at some point also archive data to Amazon Glacier.

I initiated a large SmartTracking task that copied most of my user data to the NAS. Out of many tens of thousand of pictures a couple hundred failed to sync with error messages similar to this one:

File path : /.../DSC03336.JPG
Opening error: 5 = Permission Denied
Not using partial file updating for DSC03372.JPG (file type globally excluded)
Mac FSOpenFork (data) error -54 for /.../DSC03372.JPG

I compared the access permissions of these files to those of image files that copied just fine and I don't see a difference (the current user has Read & Write permissions). I was using the Finder for this (Get Info) so it's possible I'm not seeing additional attributes that are different. Given I recently switched to a Mac from a PC I'd like some guidance before starting to mess around with the command line.

By the way, I'm not running as root and I'd like to keep it that way.

I'm sure there is additional information that I need to provide for someone to be able to help but I don't know what's most relevant. Thanks in advance for any suggestion.
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Re: FSOpenFork error -54

Postby superflexible on Sat Mar 23, 2013 10:18 am


the error means that the file could not be opened due to a permissions error.

Maybe you can try to fix the permissions by using Get Info on the enclosing folder, or even a few levels up, and apply the permissions to all enclosed items.

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Re: FSOpenFork error -54

Postby XCL on Sun Mar 24, 2013 8:37 pm

I found the issue: the current user had Read/Write permission to the files and directories but the problematic files were also locked (equivalent to read only in Windows). That makes me think that Syncovery was requesting read/write access for the SmartTracking job (which would make sense), even though what I was trying to do is a unidirectional sync. Is there a way Syncovery could test for this condition and report to the user? That might be something to consider for a future version.

So in the end I unlocked all the files in my pictures directory using the approach discussed here (https://discussions.apple.com/thread/959001?start=0&tstart=0) and tried a Standard Copying job that ran just fine. Problem solved, thanks.
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