Problem backing up to Drobo on Mac

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Problem backing up to Drobo on Mac

Postby rickmz on Thu Sep 26, 2013 10:21 am

Have a networked Drobo NAS and I cannot consistently use Syncovery (Mac) to back up to it's volumes. I get the following reported:
Short Results: can't access right path
Folders do not exist, preparation not OK

The folders connections are auto-regenerated every time I log in (via User Log in items) but even when I do not log off or shutdown, I still have the problem.
Also, when I attempt to reestablish connection with the right-side volume (Drobo), syncovery appends a "-1" to the volume name. The next time it fails, it deletes the -1.....

Thanks for ANY help you can provide.
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Re: Problem backing up to Drobo on Mac

Postby superflexible on Fri Sep 27, 2013 11:17 am

it is normal that Mac OS changes the mount points for network drives from time to time. The -1 is not appended by Syncovery. Mac OS does that.

What you can do is specify the network path and credentials in the profile under Job->Mount Volumes. Then the program can make the connection if necessary and also automatically adjust the mount point if necessary.
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