Real Time Sychronisation

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Real Time Sychronisation

Postby VWC-syncovery on Mon Feb 10, 2014 5:18 am

Using version 6.47 on Apple Mac OS X 10.9.1.

Trying to copy files that change from one local folder to another on an Apple Mac Mini.

The set up is shown on the following screen shots:


When I make changes to individual files in the left hand side, Syncovery does not copy the files from left to right (however long I wait). If I manually run the synchronisation then it will find the changed files and allow me to synchronisation.

I cannot find any manual or detailed instructions on how to make this feature work. Could I have some help on how to make this feature work?
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Re: Real Time Sychronisation

Postby superflexible on Mon Feb 10, 2014 7:43 am

Please go to the Scheduler tab sheet of the program and make sure that the scheduler is running. It should say "Monitoring Folders", and when a file is changed you should see some action there.
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Re: Real Time Sychronisation

Postby VWC-syncovery on Mon Feb 10, 2014 8:59 am

Thank you for the information. Appears to be working now.
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