Auto-Backup to USB Drive on connection

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Auto-Backup to USB Drive on connection

Postby xovos on Thu Feb 20, 2014 3:47 pm

I'm using the latest version of Syncovery.

How can I create a profile(s) that is set to run IMMEDIATELY as I plug a USB Drive into my computer (or within a short time period) + make sure that the profile only runs once within a specified time period (ex: 1 hour so that I have enough time to remove the drive, without having to open syncovery and cancel the job or wait)?

-I have the feature "Run as soon as volume becomes available" @ 20 seconds
-I have the feature "Minimum Pause between actions" @ 2 minutes (so that the it checks for the drive every 2 minutes)
-I have an email sent to me that tells me when the profile has been run correctly so that I know I can remove the drive
-I set the time frame from 4pm to 7pm in order to avoid having syncovery constantly running the profiles every 2 minutes all day.
-I have exact mirror selected so that it only does incremental backups. But other profiles are set to different options in order to meet my needs per backup job.

I don't know what else to do.

In a nutshell....I want to

-plug in my USB drive
-leave my computer
-watch for an email on my phone that says "SYNCOVERY backup complete etc etc etc"
-go back to computer in a couple minutes
-unplug usb drive
\that's it.

Any help would be greatly appreciated
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Re: Auto-Backup to USB Drive on connection

Postby superflexible on Fri Feb 21, 2014 5:39 am

the minimum pause between actions should be set to the 1 hour or even longer to avoid immediate re-runnung of the jobs.

The 20 seconds is the interval causing it to check for the existence of the drive every 20 seconds. Since this doesn't use any perceivable system resources, you can leave it as frequent as that.

Tobias Giesen
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