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Moderator: SuperFlexible Administrators


Postby md0mdi on Sun Feb 23, 2014 7:52 pm

I have setup a job to copy 1 HDD to a second HDD so that I have a backup in case of failing, butI keep seeing a message appear at the bottom of the 'Synchronisation Progress' window stating 'Errors with 5 Files(s). I have tried to look at the log but as the job has over 200,000 files to copy, it also seems to have 200,000 lines (or close to it) in the log file...

Is there a way to just log the errors??? or at least find the errors easily in the log ??

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Re: Logging?

Postby superflexible on Mon Feb 24, 2014 3:19 am

The files with errors are listed again near the end of the log file, along with the error message. To get more details, you can find the errors in the middle of the log somewhere by doing a text search for keywords. You can either take a keyword from the info you see near the end of the log, or just search for "error" or "exception".

You can also turn on "Abbreviated Logs" on the Preferences dialog, which will not show the successfully copied files.
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Re: Logging?

Postby md0mdi on Mon Feb 24, 2014 3:36 am

Thanks for this, the "Abbreviated Logs" feature made a big difference, I can now find what I am looking for...
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