I have approximately 50 profiles I run nightly for backup purposes. When these profiles run they all run one right after the other almost immediately.
I currently am putting together another Syncovery profile to replace a backup I currently use SyncBack to backup. I want to use Syncovery because SyncBack's comparison time takes FOREVER. I am finding that I can not configure Syncovery to run each job one at a time. With SyncBack, I can run each job ONE AT A TIME, and it will not move on to the next until the current profile/job is complete. I can even tell it to stop all together if there's an error.
Is this possible? Please keep in mind that after each of those 11 jobs I have both Pre AND Post commands already configured that have to be run
If this is not an option, I'd like to suggest adding the following:
1) Allow jobs to be put in order, kinda like firewall rules top-to-bottom, instead of alphabetically. Allow them to moved higher or lower in the order. Basically you'd be adding an additional "column" with the order number (1-99999xxx??)
2) Allow a job to be marked as "ONE AT A TIME"/syncronous. All rules above it must finish before that job is started, and it must complete before it moves onto the next. This would allow a mix of asyncronous/syncronous jobs within a profile without having to create separate files to manage.
3) Allow the management of multiple profiles (.INI files) without having to load/unload. At this point it doesn't seem that Syncovery supports the use of more than one .INI file for well when each has SCHEDULED tasks. At a minimum, better documentation as to it's limitations would be greatly appreciated. I seem to run into issues with this more than anything.
4) Make a truly portable version of Syncovery. I'm contemplating making a ThinApp install for this purpose, but would truly appreciate better support direct from you.