Timezone change not detected?

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Timezone change not detected?

Postby JimboDimbo on Sat Nov 22, 2014 11:17 am

After enthusiastically upgrading to v7, I headed off to Dubai for some workshops. Changed my TimeZone to Abu Dabi (since Dubai is not there).
Did a file sync to my USB using Syncovery. It started copying all files to the USB not just changed files?
It could be I did something wrong, but reading the documentation and forums it suggests Syncovery will detect TimeZone changes?
I aborted the copy and decided to resync later. I guess I can just do a full resync, but wondered why this happened?
I attach the log of the session I aborted. Could you let me know why it did not detect the timezone change or what I need to do to set this correctly in the Syncovery profile or settings?
Laptop Sync - 2014-11-16 22.41.36 - INCOMPLETE. 774 copied (967.3MB) of 7816.log
(70.55 KiB) Downloaded 58 times
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Re: Timezone change not detected?

Postby superflexible on Sun Nov 23, 2014 3:26 am

Syncovery detects timezones only when using FTP or SFTP. Other Internet Protocols always use UTC / World Time, so time zones are irrelevant.

For local copying, time zones are also irrelevant, except if you are using an obsolete file system on your USB drive, such as FAT32 ...

In that case, you may need to increase the number of hours difference to ignore in the timestamps for files with the same size and same minutes/seconds. The number can be set on the Comparison tab sheet.
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